Also feel free to visit the Polaris Project website to make a donation to contribute to the financial efforts of anti-slavery organizations.
Named after the North Star that guided slaves towards freedom along the Underground Railroad, Polaris Project has been providing a comprehensive approach to combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery since 2002.
Polaris Project is a leading organization in the United States combating all forms of human trafficking and serving both U.S. citizens and foreign national victims, including men, women, and children. They use a holistic strategy, taking what they learn from work with survivors and using it to guide the creation of long-term solutions. We strive for systemic change by advocating for stronger federal and state laws, operating the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline (1.888.3737.888), and providing services to help their clients and all victims of human trafficking.
Starting with the United States as a Model
The United States offers a unique landscape for combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery. With its robust nongovernmental and criminal justice infrastructure, emphasis on rule of law, strong policy framework, political will, culture of volunteerism and civic action, and adequate resources, many of the pieces are in place to implement a strategy that will achieve substantial suppression of national human trafficking networks. If the United States, with its infrastructure, resources, and political will is able to cripple the operations of the national trafficking networks within our borders, then a powerful example for other countries can be set – that human trafficking and modern-day slavery is not an enduring feature of our globalized world, but rather is a scourge whose eventual eradication is increasingly possible.How Our Programs Directly Relate to the Long-Term Goal
Since our founding in 2002, Polaris Project has implemented a comprehensive approach to combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery. This approach blends both top-down strategies focused on creating systems-based institutionalization of anti-trafficking capacity as well as bottom-up strategies focused on community-based implementation of anti-trafficking efforts. In 2010 and beyond, we have further refined our strategies and programs to the following key areas:(from